- 2/15/2025 5:00:08 PM
Registered nurses at Kindred Health center Ontario picketed the center on Tuesday, May 2, declaring they are chronically understaffed and operating in conditions that are risky for patients.
The 50 nurses, represented by SEIU Local 121RN, say the long-term. acute-care facility has experienced power outages that disabled its paging system, leading to postponed reaction during emergency situation medical scenarios.
They likewise allege some units have gone without hot water for weeks, making it hard to follow hand health procedures.
< img decoding =" async" loading="lazy" class =" lazyautosizes lazyload" src ="/ wp-content/uploads/2023/ 05/IDB-L-KINDRED -2 -0503. jpg?fit = 620 % 2C9999px & ssl = 1" alt ="" width =" 706" height =" 329" data-sizes =" automobile "data-src ="/ wp-content/uploads/2023/ 05/IDB-L-KINDRED -2 -0503. jpg?fit = 620 % 2C9999px & ssl = 1 "data-srcset ="/ wp-content/uploads/2023/ 05/IDB-L-KINDRED -2 -0503. jpg?fit = 620 % 2C9999px & ssl = 1 620w,/ wp-content/uploads/2023/ 05/IDB-L-KINDRED -2 -0503. jpg?fit = 780 % 2C9999px & ssl = 1 780w,/ wp-content/uploads/2023/ 05/IDB-L-KINDRED -2 -0503. jpg?fit = 810 % 2C9999px & ssl = 1 810w,/ wp-content/uploads/2023/ 05/IDB-L-KINDRED -2 -0503. jpg?fit = 1280 % 2C9999px & ssl = 1 1280w,/ wp-content/uploads/2023/ 05/IDB-L-KINDRED -2 -0503. jpg?fit = 1860 % 2C9999px & ssl = 1 1860w" > The nurses' labor contract ended Jan. 31 and the two sides are presently in negotiations. (Photo thanks to SEIU Local 121RN)." There are a couple rooms in Unit 1 and Unit 2 where the warm water is still not working," said Heather Linares, who has actually been a nurse at Kindred for more than two years.
A recent power interruption likewise presented problems.
" We had a failure about a week and a half ago and that made it harder to do our job," the 38-year-old Moreno Valley homeowner stated. "If we're trying to resuscitate a client and can't reach anyone quickly due to the fact that the paging system is down … … that presents a safety concern.".
Nurses generally dial a code on a neighboring phone to summon help, "and everybody comes running," Linares stated. However when the paging system does not work, they frequently have to call several numbers for aid, slowing the emergency situation response.
The nurses' labor agreement expired Jan. 31 and the two sides are currently in negotiations.
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